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Listen the Tinsagu Project's music by

Walter & Akiko!

"...After the strict orders of the dermatologist to permanently stop the use of resin, for the reconstruction of my fingernails, I had to  find a solution in order to continue my artistic and teaching activities taking care of my diseased nails. I already knew the fingernails which I then entered in the kit, good for both aesthetic presence and audio performance, both on metal or on nylon strings. What was needed was a truly innovative adhesive, sufficiently powerful and at the same time extremely thin, able to guarantee the maximum adherence and intimacy necessary to maintain the proper sensitivity to touch on the string and a strong and lasting adhesion for all the duration of a performance. The perfect solution to remove the nail without subjecting the cushion nail to additional dangerous stress for regular nail growth came randomly using alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel. These three elements: the synthetic nail, the double-sided and denatured alcohol or the hand-sanitizer gel, are at the heart of the kit. Using this system I managed to keep intact my relationship with the instrument and at the same time, in times of non-use, to take care of my nails as required. Then, with the technical support of Phaselus SA, a young distribution company of accessories and musical instruments located in Switzerland, and with the help of my friend and student Renzo Fava, who oversaw the commercial aspect of the product, was born the idea of bringing to the market  the use of the "removable-nails" and offer a product able to solve in a definitive and heathy way  the problem of weak or malformed nails (problem that always afflict professional guitarists and even make desist from the guitar very promising students). Furthermore the system offer a valid  support to limit the consumption of natural nails during  intensive studies and ensure a "parachute" when  a nail accidentally brakes just before a performance. In these tutorial  videos I collected the experience of about one year of personal use, trying to offer concrete support to those who want to approach the use of removable nail system, ensuring_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ its technical approach and a very expressive quality and sound up to their expectations."

Walter Lupi






















Guitar Nails Kit di Walter Lupi - Sede Legale: Via A. Litta Modignani 93, Milan IT - P IVA: IT13307820962

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