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I accidentally used a GnK nail given to me by a guitarist friend as my middle finger nail had broken and this just before an important concert. That night I played without even realizing that I had a false nail. Therefore I contacted Guitar Nails to purchase the entire set. Now in every guitar case I keep a part of it, accidental nail accidents don't scare me anymore. Thanks Friends By Peppe Licciardi

Joseph Licciardi


Thanks to a brilliant idea from our friend Walter Lupi, we guitarists finally have a product available to always keep ready for any eventuality. I got to try the GUITAR NAILS KIT and was incredibly surprised by its effectiveness. Usually I don't have big problems with nails breaking, but obviously it happens to all of us guitarists to have them, especially in view of concert events, even if only due to the wear and tear deriving from intense instrumental practice. In fact, back from a rather intense period of study, my index nail was damaged to the point that I had to shorten it beyond the usual limit. So I took the opportunity to try one of these synthetic nails and in a few minutes I rediscovered the technical and tonal naturalness of my nail put "to rest" waiting for regrowth. I had never experienced such a result with any other product and the most interesting thing is that the fixing system - with powerful double-sided adhesive and not with corrosive glues - does not damage the natural nail in the slightest and allows it to grow back.
Always keep in your guitar case!

Salvatore Seminara


I write to you with an indescribable enthusiasm..    Nails are exceptional!!!!!!
Nightmare solved :-)))) The sound is beautiful, better than my natural nails (my students confirm), easy to apply, no contraindications. I've already done a ton of experiments with the guys, you'll get several requests for the kit. Today we saved a concert for tomorrow, the nails that had re-grown broke again today by applying the kit nails on the index, middle and ring fingers, the student started playing again like nothing had happened with a beautiful sound!_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ What can I say, I have no words.. THANK YOU!!!

Nico Ruffato


Hi ,

Thanks for the Kit!!! I didn't make myself heard before because I haven't had the opportunity to use it until now, today I decided because as you well know, fingernails wear out by dint of playing, to make a long story short, even the thumbnail has shortened, then I tried to use the Kit, only on the right thumb, basic for the Celtic harp, I must say that it works really great !!! Also in the sound really compliments this Kit must  never be missing in my bag.

thanks again and see you soon.
Vincent Zitello


Hello … consider that I really think your product is amazing!
It continues to save my life, I don't know how I could do without it, you have taken away from me a real nightmare, that of not being able to play because a nail breaks..
What happened to me just the day before yesterday for the umpteenth time! (I always skip the ring finger; ... when I find someone in trouble with their nails I have no hesitation in proposing Guitar Nails as a solution!

Thomas P.


That stuffaaa !!!   But what a discovery we made! You to invent them and I to find you!!!

Now I'll let one of my young students try them....and then I'll do a big advertisement for you.

Thank you, see you soon!

Louisiana R.


I got the kit some time ago, but trying all kinds of finger picks I reserved to try your nails; having had two nails broken in the same week, I made up my mind and tried: the fear of not succeeding was great but then everything went well.

Your nails look very good to me, I use them both on classical and, above all, on acoustics, but the naturalness you feel when playing is what I like the most.

Gerard N.


I have to say thank you because you really solved a problem for me... see you soon!

Michael T.


Hello, I finally had the opportunity to try your wonderful product and I must admit that I am amazed. I was expecting a good result but at these levels it makes me forget my natural nails. I've never been able to grow them to the necessary length, so I've never really been able to appreciate the beauty of the sound as I had it in mind and instead now finally thanks to your nails I've tasted every single nuance. The seal is excellent and you really forget the feeling of the coating. Thank you for your invaluable research that can solve so many guitarists with natural nail difficulties.

Daniella C.


hi, I am much more than satisfied with the kit because it is comfortable and practical, both in terms of booking and application (facilitated by the video tutorials). I was immediately struck by how easy it is to get it and I immediately understood that it was the best solution for my problem. A greeting,

Andrew G.


very kind,

I wanted to thank you for the effectiveness and readiness that your product demonstrates in daily exercise and during public exhibitions.

I don't feel any difference with the natural nail; I would also add that the kit is easy and immediate to apply.Finally a market product that instead of harming man helps him in one of his most stimulating activities: making music.A thousand thanks!!! For the thumb I used one of the two additional nails you gave me and I find them exceptional! Both for the touch and for the softness I think they are even superior to the others (I speak for the thumb of course).I reiterate that my opinion about your product can only be enthusiastic given the full confirmation of the advertised characteristics with reality, in its application.

Thank you very much, very good!
Edward C.

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Guitar Nails Kit di Walter Lupi - Sede Legale: Via A. Litta Modignani 93, Milan IT - P IVA: IT13307820962

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