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Welcome to the Gnk site.
The Guitar Nails Kit was born from an idea by Walter Lupi, guitarist of classical extraction and professional in the sector who at the end of 2013, thanks to the support of Phaselus SA, develops a solution of removable nails.

To learn more about the product, its effectiveness and reliability, you can view our video tutorials el read the enthusiasts feedback left by the users of the Kit. These now number a few thousand students, passionate guitarists, teachers and performers in Italy and abroad.

Sensitive to problems regarding the guitarist's hands, it was decided to offer an assistance service with professionals of the physiotherapy and dermatological sector which can be integrated by anyone wishing to share their specific contacts to be made available to users of the Gnk.

To request information relating to the use of the product, you can write to us at the following address  mail  or chatting with us by Whats-App messages. 
Thanks for your visit!
GnK Team

Guitar Nails Kit di Walter Lupi - Sede Legale: Via A. Litta Modignani 93, Milan IT - P IVA: IT13307820962

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