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Thanks to Walter Lupi’s good idea, we guitarists finally have a product to be kept always ready for any eventuality. I got to try the GUITAR NAILS KIT and I was incredibly surprised by its effectiveness. Usually I do not have big trouble breaking of nails, but of course, it happens to all of us guitarists to have, especially in view of concert events, just to wear derived from the intense instrumental practice. In fact, back from a rather dense study period, the nail of my index was damaged to the point that I had to shorten it beyond the usual limit. I then took the opportunity to try one of these synthetic nails and within minutes I found the technique naturalness and timbre of my fingernail. In the meantime, my fingernails were "at rest" waiting for regrowth. I had never tried a similar result with any other product, and the most interesting thing is that the fastening system - with powerful double-sided and not with corrosive glue - does not damage the natural nail and allows regrowth.

To always keep in the guitar case!

Salvatore Seminara


I write to you with an indescribable enthusiasm. The GNK Nails are outstanding !!!!!!
Fixed a nightmare :-)))) The sound is beautiful, the best of my natural nails (my students confirm), easy to apply, no contraindication.
I already have a certain number of experiments with the guys, you'll get several requests of the kit.
AG ...... .. now we have saved a concert tomorrow: the nails that were grown, had broken again today.. but applying the nail kit on the index finger, on the middle and ring fingers, we resumed playing as if nothing had happened with a beautiful sound! What can I say, I have no words .. THANK YOU !!!

Nicola Ruffato



Thanks for the kit !!! I did not hear before because I have not used it until now. Today I decided.  Because as you well know by dint of playing the nails wear out. So my thumbnail was shortened. Then I tried to use the kit, only the thumb DX, basic to the Celtic harp. I have to say it works really great !!! Also in the sound. Really compliments. This kit should never miss in my bag.

thanks again and see you soon.
Vincenzo Zitello


Hello...I consider that truly I think your product is amazing!

It still saves my life, I do not know how I could do without, you have taken me a nightmare, that of not being able to play because it breaks a fingernail...What happened just the other day for the hundredth time! (I always skip the ring finger; ... when I will find someone in trouble with his nails I do not hesitate to propose Guitar Nails as a solution!

Thomas P.


That amazing !!! But that discovery we made! You to invent them and me to find you !!!

Now I'll make it try for my young student .... and then I will do big publicity.

Thank you, see you soon!

Louisiana R.


Hello ... I consider that truly I think your product is amazing! It still saves my life, I do not know how I could do without, you have taken me a nightmare, that of not being able to play because it breaks a fingernail. What happened just the other day for the hundredth time! (I always skip the ring finger; ... when I will find someone in trouble with his nails I do not hesitate to propose Guitar Nails as a solution!

Thomas P.


Just tried the Nailkit and I'm very happy with it. I even recorded an SL Weiss' courante yesterday. You can hear it here: The only problem is the thumb. The nails cover only half of it! I just play with my natural thumbnail for now. Anyway, it doesn't break very often compared to the others.

Alain Cloutier (Fr) 


Hello, just trying today on my major fingernail that was broken, just a word: COOL very easy to apply, and very nice I will try immediately on my other fingers, Thanks to my friend Nadine Frati that inform me of this new kit! (Fr)


That amazing!!! But that discovery we made! You to invent them and me to find you !!! Now I'll make it try for my young student .... and then I will do big publicity. Thank you, see you soon!

Louisiana R.


I took the kit a while ago; I tried all kinds of picks for the fingers; now I had in the same week the rupture of two nails, and I decided to try the GNK: the fear of failing was great but then everything went well.

They look very good. I use them both on classic and, above all, on acoustics, but the naturalness that comes into play is the thing I like most.

Gerardo N.


Hello! I want to order two kits midsize; send me more the Hard nails type.

I also have to say thank you because you've really solved a  problem.

Michele T.


Hello, I finally had chances to try your wonderful product and I must admit I'm stunned. I was expecting a good result but at these levels makes me forget my natural nails. I've never managed to get me to grow the required length, so I've never really been able to appreciate the beauty of the sound the way I had in my mind, and instead now finally thanks to your nails I enjoyed every nuance. The estate is great and the feeling you really forget the finish. Thank you for your valuable research that can solve a lot of problem for guitarists with natural difficulties for the nails.

Daniela C.


I am much more satisfied,  because the kit is convenient and practical, both as regards the reservation that the application (facilitated by video-tutorial). Already now I was struck by how easy it is to use it, and I immediately realized that it was the best solution for my problem. A greeting,

Andrea G.


I wanted to thank you for the effectiveness and speed that your product confirms itself in daily and during the public performances. I do not feel any difference with the natural nail; I also want to add that the application is easy and fast. Finally, a product that the market instead of harming the man helps him in one of his most stimulating activities: making music. Thanks so much!
On the Thumb I used one of the two nails, in addition, you have given me and I find it exceptional! Both for touch and for the softness I think are even superior to the other (I speak of course for the thumb). I reiterate that my opinion about your product can only be enthusiastic given the full confirmation of the advertised features with reality, in its application. Thank you very much, very good!
Edoardo C.

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Guitar Nails Kit di Walter Lupi - Sede Legale: Via A. Litta Modignani 93, Milano - Partita IVA: IT13307820962

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